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twisting xinchi外语

twist英 [twɪst] 美 [twɪst]

v. 使弯曲,扭弯;(使)扭曲变形;旋转,转动;扭动身体;扭伤(脚踝等);编织,捻在一起;盘绕,缠绕;歪曲,曲解;蜿蜒前进,曲折前进;跳扭摆舞;lt;英,非正式gt;欺骗,欺诈;牌面朝上

n. 扭动,转动;扭身;扭歪;弯曲处,拐弯处;波折,意想不到的转折;旧物翻新,新花样;螺旋形物体;扭摆舞(the twist);(膛线)缠度;lt;英gt;(两端扭紧的)纸包装;(尤指性格)变态,反常;(棉,丝) 合股线;lt;英gt;混合酒;绞绕线绒毛毯;复杂的形势,复杂的行动计划;(棍棒或其他物体) 扭转度,扭度;扭转力,转矩;绕轴旋转前进;lt;英,非正式gt;欺骗,欺诈

【名】 (Twist)(美、英、荷)特威斯特(人名)

[ 复数 twists 第三人称单数 twists 现在分词 twisting 过去式 twisted 过去分词 twisted ]


Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 ; 孤雏泪 ; 苦海孤雏

TWIST LEG 扭脾扭脚 ; 扭髀扭脚 ; 左右裤筒不对称

Operation Twist 扭转操作 ; 扭曲操作 ; 卖短债买长债 ; 扭转操纵



twist /twɪst/ CET4 TEM4 ( twisting, twisted, twists )

1. V-T If you twist something, you turn it to make a spiral shape, for example, by turning the two ends of it in opposite directions. 扭曲; 拧

例:Her hands began to twist the handles of the bag she carried.


2. V-T/V-I If you twist something, especially a part of your body, or if it twists, it moves into an unusual, uncomfortable, or bent position, for example, because of being hit or pushed, or because you are upset. 扭弯; 扭曲

例:He twisted her arms behind her back and clipped a pair of handcuffs on her wrists.


例:Sophia's face twisted in perplexity.


3. V-T/V-I If you twist part of your body such as your head or your shoulders, you turn that part while keeping the rest of your body still. 转动 (身体某部分)

例:She twisted her head sideways and looked toward the door.


例:Susan twisted round in her seat until she could see Graham behind her.


4. V-T If you twist a part of your body such as your ankle or wrist, you injure it by turning it too sharply, or in an unusual direction. 扭伤 (脚踝或手腕等)

例:He fell and twisted his ankle.

他摔了一跤,扭伤了脚踝。5. V-T If you twist something, you turn it so that it moves around in a circular direction. 旋转

例:She was staring down at her hands, twisting the ring on her finger.


6. N-COUNT Twist is also a noun. 旋转

例:Just a twist of the

handle is all it takes to wring out the mop.


7. V-I If a road or river twists, it has a lot of sudden changes of direction in it. (道路或河流) 迂回曲折

例:The roads twist around hairpin bends.


8. N-COUNT Twist is also a noun. (道路或河流的) 迂回曲折 [usu pl]

例:It allows the train to maintain a constant speed through the twists and turns of existing track.


9. V-T If you say that someone has twisted something that you have said, you disapprove of them because they have repeated it in a way that changes its meaning, in order to harm you or benefit themselves. 歪曲 [表不满]

例:It's a shame the way the media can twist your words and misrepresent you.


10. N-COUNT A twist in something is an unexpected and significant development. 意外进展

例:The battle of the sexes also took a new twist.


11. to twist someone's arm →see arm

12. twist the knife in sb's wound →see knife


twists and turns 迂回曲折

twist drill n. 麻花钻;螺旋钻

twist and turn 迂回曲折

twist angle 扭转角

twist off 扭断;拧开

twist yarn 捻纱,经纱;加捻弹力纱

direction of twist 捻向;撚向



You always twist everything I say.


She gave the lid another twist and it came off.


The story has taken another twist.


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【讯驰外语】可乐老师 编辑。



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