
编辑:爱评书 浏览量:

一、用英语造句,No matter,find it......what,avoid doing

用英语造句,Nomatter,find it......what,avoiddoing,eventhagh,

二、Aroid doing 造句

应该是;Avoid doing 避免做某事;逃避… must avoid doing such a thing.我必须避免做这样的事。 car swerved to avoid knocking the boy down.为了不撞倒那个男孩,汽车突然转向。we should think about how to avoid repeating those mistakes.我们应该开始思考,如何避免再犯这些错误。

三、有个词组avoid doing 那么avoid maintaining 有这说法吗

avoid maintaining 没有这个词组,但是可以这样搭配。译为:避开维修或避免维修

四、avoid doing sth prevent doing sth意思一样吗????

avoid doing表示避免做某事 如:He tries to avoid meeting her.prevent doing表示阻止做某事。如:Nothing can prevent my going there.

五、avoid doing sth 和avoid sth有什么区别?

avoid doing sth,是指避免做某事,后面接的是动词。比如说“家里有婴儿,我避免在家里吸烟”i avoid smoking at home because there is a baby.avoid sth是指避免一个具体的事物。后面接的是名词比如说“这次考试,我要避免一些愚蠢的错误”i will avoid some stupid mistakes in the exam this time.希望楼主可以满意,如果觉得好的话就选我为满意答案吧,多谢楼主了,希望帮到了楼主了。

六、avoid doing sth doing在这里是什么? 不及物动词后面可以加不定式吗?

doing作宾语 不及物后可接to do agree to do

七、avoid sth, avoid to do sth ,avoid doing sth 分别是什么意思

avoid sth, avoid to do sth ,avoid doing sth 分别是什么意思


You should avoid such mistakes. 你应当避免这样的错误。
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